On the night of December 29, Schpelt dreamt that a camel named Hi-Diddle Ho-Diddle was dreaming about her.
"I awoke in a cold sweat," she recalls. "It all seemed very important. I knew I had to find that camel as soon as possible."
Sure enough, the next morning Schpelt called off all her meetings and rode a plane from JFK to Luxor, Egypt. "It was as though I wasn't in control of my own movements," she whispers. "I was being guided".
Within two hours, Schpelt located a camel called Hi-Diddle Ho-Diddle, whose master was selling 10-minute rides to small children. She claims that the beast's eyes widened as she approached.
"We just stared at each other for what seemed like forever," she purrs. "I told his master that we had dreamt about each other last night, but he didn't understand."
That night in her hotel, Schpelt dreamt that Hi-Diddle Ho-Diddle was dreaming that she was dreaming that he was dreaming about their meeting earlier that day.
"I woke up at 4am," she mewls, "and knew what I had to do. I got dressed, went down to the city camel compound and found Hi-Diddle Ho-Diddle. Luckily for me, camel fucking isn't illegal in Luxor."
Our reporter told Schpelt that this was not the case at all, then made his excuses and left. Our dossier is available to authorities.